Civil Engineering and Land Surveying

Civil Engineering and Land Surveying

Experienced and Responsive


Landes Engineering LLC & Associates is a family owned corporation that can provide a broad spectrum of engineering and survey services throughout Oklahoma. We enjoy working with our clients on a wide variety of projects.

Landes Engineering is a full-service civil engineering and land surveying company which provides services for residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional projects. Our clients are individuals, residential and multi-family developers, builders, contractors, commercial developers, attorneys, building contractors, industrial developers, schools, banks, the petroleum industry, water management districts, and city governments.

Our services include:

  • Conceptual design
  • Surveys (ALTAs, topographic, and boundary)
  • Mapping
  • Site planning
  • Street design
  • Drainage - Pre and Post - FEMA
  • Water and sewer system design
  • Flood control programs
  • New construction & Industrial Stormwater permit programs (SWP)
  • Per NC General Statute 143-215.6B- Notice of Intent (NOI)
  • The preparation and processing of development applications
  • Permitting for Fire Marshall requirements on all OMMA Facilities

Landes Engineering can take your project from a raw piece of land and develop it into a thoughtful conceptual plan designed to accommodate your needs. Landes Engineering regularly assists clients in determining the feasibility of projects before proceeding forward with them.

Landes’ experience and knowledge of land development codes and requirements allow them to make strategic and helpful suggestions about your property to add value to your investment.

  • Conceptual Plans
  • Boundary and Topographic Surveys
  • Zoning
  • Site Development and Design
  • Land Planning and Development
  • Sub-Division Design
  • Platting
  • OK Water Resources Board Dam Review
  • Construction Staking

Projects range from residential developments, office and industrial parks, retail shopping centers, churches, mixed-use development projects (PUDs), hotels, restaurants, mini-storages, academic institutions, as well as ADA inspections and compliance plans.

Landes Engineering is a full-service company who takes pride in every project. Our goal is to add value to your investment while keeping your goals and budget in mind.


Landes Engineering, LLC Oklahoma CA #2260

Richard L. Landes OK PE #8679
Stephen T. Landes OK PE #19539
Andrew P. Kis OK LS #2060
Phillip Lynam OK LS #1968